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Upload Policy

Last updated: November 12, 2024


Images must follow the content rules outlined in the Code of Conduct.

Animated images that contain rapidly flashing frames and/or pose a risk to those with epilepsy are not allowed.

You are not allowed to upload real-life photos of persons under the age of 18.

Profile Pictures

Profile pictures are not allowed to contain sexual content.

Decorative Images

You are not allowed to use decorative images that include sexual content on a character's profile, unless:

  • the decorative image is contained in an Accordion which explicitly states it contains sexual content (e.g. the accordion’s label includes the term “NSFW”)

Gallery Images

Gallery images that include any form of sexual content in them must be marked as NSFW.

Gallery images that include any form of AI-generated content in them must be marked as AI.

Unowned Images

Uploading images not created by yourself is allowed. However, if the owner of that image requests that you remove their image from the site, you must comply with that request. Failure to do so may result in account termination.